Active Grandkids – Five Ways to Keep Up!

Five Tips to Keep Up with Your Grandkids

Staying active and keeping up with your grandkids is essential when you become a grandparent. Being a grandparent is an honor. It’s a fun and exciting time. But grandkids can be restless and energetic because they love to play and are always on the move. By being a grandparent, you’ll want to join in on the fun. To keep up with your grandkids here are five tips:

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly will help you move better and to improve your stamina for when the kids are visiting. Increasing your stamina will allow you to enjoy the fun with your grandkids without having to slow down. Any type of physical activity will make it easier for you to keep up with your grandkids.

2. Know When to Stop

When playing active games with your grandkids, it can be hard to keep up because our bodies change as we age. Kids have so much energy that can last all day. If you cannot keep up with a game all afternoon, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play that game ever again. It just means you should know when to take a break before injuring yourself or pushing yourself too far. Listen to your body so you know your limits.

3. Keep Your Balance

When picking up a child, bend at your knees and not your hips. Hold the child close to your body to the center of gravity and keep your shoulders back. Avoid slouching at all costs. Keeping your balance will prevent injury! Remaining balanced physically is just as important as a healthy balanced lifestyle. Make sure you have a balanced diet as well as a balanced exercise routine!

4. Encourage Your Grandkids

Encouraging your grandkids to be independent will take some stress away from your body. Lifting them in the car, stroller, booster seat, or pushing them on a swing can lead to you hurting yourself if you are not careful. This encouragement can also lead to your grandkids feeling a sense of accomplishment! Additionally, you’ll feel a sense of fulfillment watching them learn and grow!

5. Drink Water

Staying hydrated is always important, especially when you’re remaining active. Drinking plenty of fluids will leave your body feeling refreshed and energized. It is important to know that drinking caffeine to increase your energy can do more harm than good. Caffeine can leave you dehydrated and water plays an important part in maintaining your heart, muscles, and brain health.

Remaining fit and active benefits all of us. Keeping up with your grandkids can be a lot of work, but grandkids keep you young and young at heart! If you have any advice on how to keep up with your grandkids, please comment below!

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