Elite Blog

3 Healthy Recipes Using Sweet Potatoes

As a natural transition from October to November, I’m bringing you some of my best-kept recipes to fuel your body by using Sweet Potatoes! Sweet potatoes not only fit the fall and […]

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Instructor Highlight: Jim Mussomelli

Jim Mussomelli is a highly passionate yoga instructor at our West Brookfield location who loves to share his enthusiasm of yoga with everyone. Learn more about Jim’s passion for yoga, […]

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Health Effects of Daylight Saving Time

It’s that time of year again: daylight saving time (DST). We might gain a brighter morning, but that little shift in our time can have a big impact on our […]

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Pool Toys Could Help Your Child Learn to Swim

Have you ever wondered what the rings, barbells, kickboards, and/or pool toys are used for during your child’s swimming lesson? The following toys and equipment can be used to help […]

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How to Approach School Year Meal Planning with Your Kids

Now that you’ve settled into the school year, it’s time to discuss with your children what they can expect regarding meals and snacks at home. A general meeting at home […]

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Member Stories: Charlene Bareta – Cycling Class & Elite Enthusiast

Charlene Bareta had always been active in her life, she recounts – maintaining her athleticism and herself through dance, cheerleading, and biking. Fast forward a few decades and she has […]

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7 Sweet Halloween Tricks to Keep Your Health on Track

Who doesn’t love a few good Halloween tricks? Being surrounded by sugary treats that are suddenly oh-so-tempting thanks to their fun packaging and miniature size can be hard to resist. […]

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Should You Use Heat or Ice After an Injury?

I have been a physical therapist for almost 30 years and this is still one of the most common questions that my patients have asked me over those three decades. […]

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