Elite Blog

Skip the Donuts, Here’s a Dozen Reasons to Exercise

  Those of you who made that concerted effort to change your lifestyle for the healthier have probably been bitten by the health bug. You may even feel like shouting […]

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How the "Stages of Change" Affect Goal Planning & Outcome

Researchers who study why some individuals do and some do not accomplish their goals, have a very compelling answer for us. “They are not ready!” As simple an answer as […]

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Are You Up for a March Madness Fitness Challenge?

Let the madness of March begin! You’ve spent hours laboring over your bracket until it was filled with absolute NCAA basketball perfection. Your living room has been transformed into your […]

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Vary Your Routine to Stay Challenged & Keep Getting Results

How satisfied are you with your current results? Are you stuck in that place of wishing you could lose those last 10 pounds? Or wanting to get physically stronger? I […]

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8 Alternatives to "Stress Eating"

Many of us make quick, unplanned decisions regarding our eating choices. We may even avoid conscious thoughts about what is healthy and nutritious, and instead have the following internal conversations: […]

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Why You Pretty Much Have to be a Tightrope Walker to Lose Weight

Think of yourself as a tightrope walker… You are balancing precariously on that rope, suspended in midair, placing one foot in front of the other. This is the tightrope you walk as […]

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The Truth About Dietary Myths: I eat well most of the time, so why am I not losing weight?

Weight loss can certainly have its ups and downs. We start the week with good intentions; pulling out the fresh vegetables and cutting them up for lunch. We try new breakfast […]

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Member Stories: John Borden "Exercise has turned from something dreaded to something I truly look forward to."

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise […]

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