Elite Blog

Your Fitness is in Your Hands

Fitness has never been quite so literally in the palm of your hands. With devices being so smart that they can keep track of almost anything, why not have them […]

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Calculate Calories to Make Meal Planning Easier

Many people feel that following calorie count and putting together a day-to-day menu can be difficult. It really is not. Once you have calculated your calories, meal planning can be easy.

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You are the Inspiration Someone Else Needs

Many of our members here at Elite Sports Clubs are quite accomplished, yet also quite humble. We have heard so many great stories from—and about—our members over the years, but […]

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How to Start Off the Holiday Season on the Right Foot

The major “eating/drinking holidays” —Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years, and Valentines Day are here! Once Halloween candy hits the shelves, the battle against the holiday bulge begins. To avoid feeling weighed […]

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(In)Flaming Foods

  Did you know that the foods you eat can either help eliminate inflammation, or cause more of it? That’s right! What you are eating has a lot to do […]

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Heal Faster With ARPWave Technology

Many Elite members have used ARPWave Therapy to rapidly recover from sports injuries. Want to know if ARP is appropriate for your injury or pain?

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5 Exercise Myths Your Trainer Wishes You’d Stop Believing

Are you killing it in the gym and not seeing the results you’d like? Chances are you’ve fallen victim to bad advice. Here’s a handful of exercise myths to get […]

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6 Tips to Have a Healthier Halloween with Your Kids

Let’s face it, Halloween isn’t the healthiest holiday around. At least you can adapt most of your other holiday meals to include smaller portions and more healthful options. But on […]

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