Topic: Fitness & Training

Why Warm Up? Benefits of a Proper Warm-up

Whether working out at home or at the gym, the warm-up can often by overlooked. We have a tendency to want to jump right in to our workouts. Why should […]

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4 Benefits of Training With Your Significant Other

They say couples who train together stay together. Exercising is often thought of as an individual endeavor. However, if you have your partner at your side, you can help each […]

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Recreational Sports: The Forgotten Cardio Workout

Can recreational sports be a supplementary part of your cardio workouts? Would playing basketball three days a week be a good replacement for running on the treadmill? There are plenty […]

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Pandemic Weight Loss Tips

A year in, and many of us are struggling mightily with our weight. Even if you’ve been coming in to the club and getting some exercise, consider the activities you […]

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Why Try Small Group Training?

You may have heard of small group training and wondered how it differs from personal training or group exercise. They sound similar but are quite different. If you want the […]

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5 Bits of Advice for Your First Yoga Class

Inspired to try your first yoga class but have no idea what to expect? What to wear? When to show up? Etiquette? Here’s a “how-to” guide to get you started.

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Developing a Strong Core (Inside & Out) Through Pilates & Yoga

The development of a strong and healthy midsection, and the development of a strong and healthy mind can both be accomplished simultaneously through two different paths. Both Yoga and Pilates […]

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Why Should You Work With a Personal Trainer?

Achieving results on your own isn’t easy. Not only do you have to work hard, you have to know what you’re doing. Just as you would hire an electrician or […]

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