Elite Blog

How to Know if Your Stress is Good or Bad

Many of us perceive stress as unhealthy, but stress isn’t necessarily always a bad thing. Stress can be healthy when avoiding an accident or meeting a tight deadline. We all […]

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Why It’s Important to Take a Break

You are never too busy to take a break. Taking a break is good for your brain because it refreshes the mind and increases creativity. Going too long without letting […]

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Swimming: The Well-Rounded Exercise

It’s a well-known fact that exercise is good for your body. It’s also very well-known that exercise can be good for your mood. While any type of movement can be […]

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Nutrition Therapy for Heartburn, Acid Reflux, and GERD

What is the biggest-selling prescription medication in the United States? Many would be surprised to find out that it is a treatment for acid reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the […]

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7 Tips to Calm Yourself Down

Do you feel like you’re always on edge, stressed, or overstimulated? Finding ways to calm yourself down can be tricky. Too much of any type of stress (chronic or acute), can […]

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Swim Lessons Guide for Parents

Learning how to swim at a young age is important for so many reasons. Besides the safety aspect, basic swimming skills can give a child confidence, allow them to have […]

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Psychology and Culture Surrounding Food

Who has ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat”? What we eat affects how we feel. Food should make us feel good as well as be nourishing to […]

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Staff Highlight: Karen Bruckner

If you’re looking for some friendly conversation or a recommendation on a fitness program, stop by the Elite-Brookfield front desk most mornings to chat with Karen Bruckner! Karen is quite […]

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