Elite Blog

5 Substitutes for Crowded Fitness Center Machines

Have you ever found yourself in a crowded fitness center, with people all trying to get on the same machine at the same time? Frustrating, isn’t it? It’s tough when […]

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A Dietitian’s Take on Soda

Most people are aware soda, as well as diet soda, is harmful to your health. Which is better? Which is worse? Are either ok? Here is a quick run-down of […]

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Keep Your Fitness Routine While On Vacation

We are creatures of habit and whether if it’s for vacation or business, at some point we leave the comfort of our personal daily routine. This could be a quick […]

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Reasons Why People Give Up on Their Resolutions

At this point in the year, most people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions. Here are some of the main reasons why.

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3 Signs You’re Getting Fitter

Have you been maintaining your fitness goals from the start of the New Year? If you’ve given up because you don’t think you’re making progress, you might want to reconsider. […]

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5 Healthy Recipes That Don’t Suck

When you hear the words “healthy recipe,” you might immediately think tasteless, unusual texture, or unappealing. However, we’re here to tell you there are recipes out there that are both […]

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Five Tips To Prepare For Vacation

When we go on vacation, sometimes we lose track of our goals. Some indulging is good for the soul, but when it becomes too much we have a problem. Vacation […]

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5 Cardio Exercises to Get You Off the Treadmill

Tired of the same old cardio routine? There are plenty of ways to get in a good cardio workout besides running on the treadmill or elliptical. Here are five alternative […]

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