Elite Blog

Tips to Protect Your Skin

It’s that time of year again! The weather is getting warmer and the sun is higher in the sky. Therefore, it is important to understand that the sun can be […]

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Can Push-Ups Be an Indicator of Heart Health?

Typically, a treadmill test is used to evaluate an individual’s cardiovascular health. However, a recent study conducted out of Harvard Medical School shows that the ability to perform push-ups might […]

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Benefits of Shopping Local Farmer’s Markets

With Wisconsin summer finally here and the local farmer’s markets opening up, people are starting to think more about seasonal eating. There are many benefits to shopping at farmer’s markets, […]

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Sheepshead at Elite Sports Clubs

Of all the activities to enjoy at Elite Sports Clubs, you might not think playing cards would be among them. For several years, a group of Elite members gather to […]

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How to Keep Your Joints Healthy in 4 Easy Steps

Many of us struggle with joint issues, whether they are old injuries, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Osteo-Arthritis. Changes in the weather can exacerbate these problems, and pain rears its ugly head. […]

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Important Tips for Summer Hydration

Staying hydrated is always important, but our needs may increase during the summer months when the temperature and humidity rise. Not only will we sweat more during our workouts, but […]

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Elite Provides What Studios Cannot

We often get asked about what amenities are included with membership. Naturally, one would want to make sure their needs and interests would be met. When compared with other local […]

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Can Prolonged Sitting Offset the Benefits of Exercise?

Sitting for long periods of time tightens our muscles (not in a good way), slows our metabolism, and can affect our body internally. What if you exercise a little bit […]

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