Elite Blog

Quick Guide to Soy Products

In the United States, soy products are becoming very popular as sources of vegetable protein and they come in many different forms and tastes. One of the benefits of soybeans is […]

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How Being "Selfish" Has Made Me a Better Mother

Today marks 6 years, 4 months and 28 days of me being a Mom. Nevertheless, although I’ve spent 35 years, 8 months, and 5 days on this earth growing, evolving […]

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How Meditation Can Lead To Success

Everyone has hopes, goals, and dreams. Maybe you want to save a little more money to go on a nice vacation. Perhaps you want to change jobs or move up […]

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Swimming Safety Tips for the Summer

With the weather lately, it has a lot of us looking forward to school break and summer weather. With that, comes the increased use of pools and beaches. Elite’s outdoor pools plan to […]

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Vegetable Quesadillas Recipe

This Vegetable Quesadillas recipe is delicious and full of wonderful fresh vegetables that you will enjoy while managing to meet all of your nutritional needs! Many of us struggle to get in […]

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Instructor Highlight: Laura Wilkins

We’re often told that it’s the people of Elite that make the clubs so great. Part of what makes the Elite Clubs stand out from the rest is not the […]

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A Tiny Habit Can Become a Lasting Behavior

“After I pee, then I do 2 push ups.” Gross? Maybe. Effective? Yes. At least according to Dr. BJ Fogg in this TED Talk, Forget Big Change, Start With A Tiny […]

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30 Things I Love About Elite

Nearly 2 years ago, I took my first steps into Elite North Shore as a member. As a Passport Member, I’ve had the chance to visit all of the Elite […]

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