Topic: The "Elite Life"

Congrats! Another Successful Team Weight Loss Challenge

This is the third year of Elite Sports Clubs’ annual Team Weight Loss Challenge. Thank you everyone for joining us this year and for your efforts during the challenge, we know the weight […]

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Member Stories: The 3 Dietitians – Christine, Mary, and Annie

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise […]

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How to Be Your Own Hero

“Excelsior.” Excelsior is Latin for, “ever forward” or, “ever higher.” This is the motto of Stan Lee, creator of many of the comic book characters that light up movie screens all […]

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Cardio Kickboxing Class Review

If you’re anything like me, a great cardio class is one that is easy to follow, changes every week and gets you results all at the same time. If this is […]

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29 Things To Do On Leap Day (aka Bonus Day)

HAPPY BONUS DAY! CONGRATS! You got a whole extra 24 hours of time this year. What are you going to do with it? Go to work, go to the gym, hang […]

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Staff Stories: Scott Eigenberg Shares His "Ah ha" Moment

Our members aren’t the only ones working towards goals and striving to become a better version of themselves. Elite Sports Clubs staff share some of their own stories about their […]

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Why You Need to Make a Bucket List

Bucket Lists. Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman was in the movie Bucket List. And if Morgan Freeman played a man with a Bucket List, then you should have one too. While that is […]

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10 Member Tips to Get Your Diet Back on Track

Research has shown that many people do better if they decide in advance the eating behaviors they want to change before they start a new approach. So, try these on for […]

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