Topic: Nutrition

Sticking With It: 10 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to health, there’s no such thing as a quick fix. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a lifelong commitment that will increase your chance at longevity and help ward off certain chronic diseases and long-term illnesses.

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Why are Antibiotics in My Food and are They Harmful?

Never before have Americans asked for more pure, safe, and clean foods products than they have in recent years. The sale of these products has increased by 25% in recent […]

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When Should You Choose Organic Produce: Dirty Dozen & Clean 15

Many members ask about whether or not they should be choosing organic produce. Years ago, organic fruits and vegetables were expensive and often unavailable in the grocery store compared to the regular […]

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The Future Of Nutrition

The future of nutrition is not grounded in food alone. In fact according to Marc David, the founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, we should consider 4 […]

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Food Products to Make the "Healthy Life" More Convenient

Every couple of weeks there are new foods products that are convenient and easy for you to use to help you work towards that healthy life! Take a look at these […]

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How to Make Classic Saffron Rice

Many families, including mine, will have classic delicious recipes for their holidays that they can count on being a success for their wonderful, familiar taste. Such is the way for […]

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Your Healthy Snack Isn’t So Healthy

Treating yourself to a nice healthy salad for a snack today? Too bad that ranch dressing has 145 calories per serving and 15 grams of fat. Watch out for items like this […]

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Simple Tips for Getting in Control of Arthritis and Back to the Gym

My best friend just told me that she has arthritis and was pretty concerned about what to do next, as she really wants to keep playing tennis three times a […]

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