Topic: Nutrition

The 30 Year History Of Dieting

Dieting. Who loves dieting? You? No? If you do you’re probably in the minority. However we’ve all probably tried to diet at some point. And speaking of some point, ever wonder […]

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Mango Peach Raspberry Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Smoothie bowls are the new craze. Use whatever fruit, nuts, and seeds you have on hand to make this super simple and delicious smoothie bowl recipe. But keep in mind, frozen fruit is […]

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Chickpeas: Nutrition and Benefits

Chickpeas or Garbanzo Beans are one of the oldest consumed crops in the world. Today, it also remains one of the most popular foods across many continents. One of the reasons […]

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Protein Content in Commonly Used Foods

Most people have no idea how much protein they are eating until they try to increase it to improve their diet or to enhance workout potential. If you would like […]

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Easy Vegetable Bow Tie Pasta Salad Recipe

A delicious and easy vegetable combination for summer meals! This simple vegetable bow tie pasta salad recipe is a great way to incorporate your daily servings of veggies right into your […]

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Eat These Foods to Fight Summertime Cold or Flu

We don’t expect to get the flu or a cold during the summer, but according to reports from the CDC, Center for Disease Control, we are just as liable during the […]

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Super Simple 5 Ingredient Granola Bar Recipe

What’s that saying about ingredients in food? Something about there shouldn’t be more than 5 and you should be able to pronounce them all…Well this super simple 5 ingredient granola […]

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How to Deal with Picky Eaters

Our kids will always make us swell with pride. Because they are ours in the making. But, in the throes of growing up to be good-eaters, we can count on having […]

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