Topic: Nutrition

Understanding Glycemic Index

The term glycemic index may not sound like something you would use on a daily basis, but it is fairly simple in concept. It is a measure of the blood sugar […]

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Dirty Peanut Smoothie Recipe

Here’s a smoothie recipe from one of our Elite Sports Club – Mequon members. It’s a go to for parents as a favorite smoothie that kids love and will drink. […]

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How the Phytochemicals in Foods Help with Inflammation

Many members have been asking for more information about anti-inflammatory foods. In part, due to the fact that many have some arthritis in their joints. They want to be able […]

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7-Day Meal Plan & Menu

I’ve already had so many wonderful conversations with members of The Wellness & Lifestyle Challenge. I have been very pleased that so many members truly want to eat better and incorporate […]

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What We Can Learn from the Liverpool Soccer Team’s Diet

Rarely do experts say exactly what you need to be eating. Not the case with the popular nutritionist for the Liverpool Soccer Team, Mona Nemmer. Her success with the dietary […]

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Stocking Your Kitchen for Quick and Healthy Meals

Most of us don’t want to be spending all day in the kitchen preparing food for our families. Nevertheless, we want homemade meals that taste good and are healthy. In my house it starts with, […]

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What’s New in the Freezer Section?

Good ideas for freezer entrees that you can just pull out and enjoy can come from your own kitchen, or you can take a look at these new frozen meals […]

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Holiday Herb Meat Rub

Your plans are made and guests have been invited for your most wonderful holiday meal together! You are all set. Or are you?! You have some family favorites, that is […]

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