Tagged: inflammation

Should You Use Heat or Ice After an Injury?

I have been a physical therapist for almost 30 years and this is still one of the most common questions that my patients have asked me over those three decades. […]

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Whole30 Diet Program Overview & Rules

Fad diets are commonplace these days, but how do we decipher the good from the bad, the realistic from the impractical and the sustainable from the “quick-fix”? As dietitians, it […]

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How the Phytochemicals in Foods Help with Inflammation

Many members have been asking for more information about anti-inflammatory foods. In part, due to the fact that many have some arthritis in their joints. They want to be able […]

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(In)Flaming Foods

  Did you know that the foods you eat can either help eliminate inflammation, or cause more of it? That’s right! What you are eating has a lot to do […]

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