Topic: Wellness

10 Facts About Stress and Diet

We’re all guilty of stress eating at one point or another. And let’s be honest, there’s a lot in life to stress about. However, don’t let your eating habits slip […]

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Winter Blues, Meet Platform Tennis

Wisconsin winter is almost here (shudder), which often means the beginning of indoor hibernation and the end of fresh air outdoor physical activity. For all you tennis aficionados out there, […]

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Drink Water for Weight Loss

There’s so much more to water beyond just quenching your thirst! Did you know that drinking plenty of water is a key component to losing weight? Learn how staying properly […]

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Therapeutic Grounding Techniques

In a time of great angst, it’s important to maintain your sense of self and peace. To be sure, there is much to be concerned with and about. But it […]

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What is Red Light Therapy?

What is red light therapy? Elite Sports Clubs has been offering red light therapy for many years, but if you have not tried it yourself, you may not know much […]

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Centering Strategies for Stress Relief

During the pandemic, life has become stressful in ways we could not have imagined. Worries about getting sick, loneliness and isolation, and depression have piled on to make this a […]

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Calming Anxiety with Meditation

If you are feeling tense, stressed, nervous, or restless, meditation is a great way to calm your mind. The following practices are two really easy tools that can help to […]

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7 Exercises That Are Good For Your Heart

The human heart is the hardest working organ in the body. Beating on average 72 times a minute, your heart pushes blood throughout your entire body delivering vital oxygen and nutrients […]

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