4 Benefits of Training With Your Significant Other

4 Benefits of Training With Your Significant Other

They say couples who train together stay together. Exercising is often thought of as an individual endeavor. However, if you have your partner at your side, you can help each other achieve your fitness goals. Here are 4 benefits of training with your significant other.

Benefits of Training With Your Significant Other

  1. You hold each other accountable. Your partner is your support system not just at home, but also at the gym. The chances of sticking with a fitness program are greatly increased when you train with your partner – a little peer pressure is always good for staying on track. 
  2. You will both benefit from a customized workout from a personal trainer. You can join a semi-private or small group training session to train together.
  3. Personal training together allows you both to benefit from an opportunity to support each other’s goals in a very focused way.
  4. Personal training with your partner will enhance your fitness level and your relationship. It will give you something new to talk about, laugh about, and enjoy. When you exercise, your brain releases “feel good” chemicals (called neurotransmitters) such as endorphins, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. With both you and your partner in a good mood, it will create bonding time and a chance to strengthen your relationship!

Got busy schedules? Combine your fitness routines! Have kids and need a sitter? Elite Sports Clubs has you covered with childcare included with our family memberships, as well as regular kids programming throughout the year.

If you’re ready to start training with your significant other, fill out this form and get a free fitness consultation with one of our trainers!

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