Tagged: strength training

Everything You Need to Know About Muscle

Learning the basics of muscle development can help you to reach your health and fitness goals. Types of Muscle Fibers We have two main types of muscle fibers in our […]

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5 Benefits of Exercising in Water

Using pools and water as a means of exercising can be very beneficial to your body and your workout routine. You can use your time in the pool doing laps, […]

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Which Exercise Classes are Right for You?

Looking for the right group exercise classes is a little bit like shopping. If you don’t have a specific item in mind, wandering the aisles of a store can be […]

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Staff Stories: My Recovery Without Surgery

As the newest member of the Elite trainers team, I thought it might be relevant to outline the path that helped facilitate my participation in a lifestyle of health and […]

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How to Train Like a Pro Soccer Player

When’s the last time you saw a professional soccer player and thought “Wow that person is out of shape,” or “Wow that person is just unathletic”? Probably never, because unlike […]

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8 Ways To Speed Up Recovery After Exercise

Rest and recovery are as just as important as exercise. Time off allows your body and mind to fully recover and grow. Here are some tips recommended by the experts:

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7 Exercises to Do During Commercials

You finally decided that it’s time to take charge of your health and you’re willing to put in the work to lose weight and gain strength—fantastic! But wait, you love to […]

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Do You Actually Need Gym Equipment and a Trainer to Stay in Shape?

Muscle withers away if you’re not constantly building it, and muscle withers faster as we age. Waning muscle mass gives way to fat gain, stiff joints, stumbling and bumbling balance, […]

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6 Strength Training Exercises You Should Try Today!

Strength training and building muscle are essential parts of a healthy and fit lifestyle. Many studies have shown that the more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. […]

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Everyday Exercises Anyone Can Do: Lunge Variations

If you’re looking for a lower body exercise that challenges your balance, core strength and stability, and all of the muscles in your legs, the lunge is a great place […]

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