Elite Blog

How To Maximize Muscle Recovery After A Workout

Maximizing muscle recovery should be a key part of your fitness plan. The sooner your muscles recover, the less you will feel sore, and the sooner they can be efficient […]

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Immune-Boosting Foods and Tips to Fight the Flu

To make sure that this flu season doesn’t get you down, be sure to follow these tips and try these immune-boosting foods.

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4 Steps to Get Motivated for Your Workout

When the holidays roll around, it’s all too easy to get out of tune with your fitness routine. The shopping, cooking, and traveling takes up a lot of your time […]

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Keep Your Summer Body All Winter Long

Winter has moved in on us here in Wisconsin, so now is the time for cozy layers, comfort foods, relaxation, and hibernation, right? Wrong! At least, not if you want […]

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How to Start Tennis for Adults

Tennis is a very widely played sport and can be extremely competitive. With youth programs being plentiful, many people experience the game at a young age. If someone has not […]

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Top 10 Benefits of Eating Kale

Kale is being dubbed the “new nutritional powerhouse.” Should we believe the hype? The answer is a simple, yes! Here are ten amazing nutritional benefits of adding kale to your […]

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How to Defeat Seasonal Depression

Once daylight saving time ends in Wisconsin, our days get shorter and shorter. If these darker days are zapping your energy and bringing you down, then this blog post is […]

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The Positive Effects Walking Has on the Body

Believe it or not, walking is a great activity for your body and mind. Not only is it easy to do, but it has many positive effects on the body. […]

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