Topic: Fitness & Training

Simple Steps to Stop Roller Coaster Dieting

It’s a typical pattern: you start dieting, commit to a daily routine of elliptical and weights, maybe join a challenge or a boot camp—but pretty soon, you’re having happy hour Mojitos […]

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Beyond the Finish Line: Creating Motivation Through Curiosity

What’s your motivation?  Really, stop right now and think about it.  What makes you open your eyes in the morning, and put one foot in front of the other as […]

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10 Ways to Incorporate Play Into Your Day

Just because you’re not a kid anymore doesn’t mean all fun and play should go out the window. Adding play–physical and mental–into your day will relieve stress, improve brain function, […]

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Battle Ropes Basics and Sample Workouts

The use of battle ropes in workouts today is increasing tremendously. Gyms are providing them and trainers are continuing to incorporate them into client’s workouts. With the many benefits and simple […]

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5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Committed to a Healthy Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle means changing your diet, working out regularly, and incorporating proper health and wellness practices into your everyday life. But a lot of things are going to start changing once you […]

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6 Ways to Stay Fit On Vacation

Vacation season is here and it’s finally time to take a break! Whether it’s relaxing on the beach or exploring a city, a time out from the normal routine can […]

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7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

Sometimes our busy schedules and life’s unpredictable moments can’t help but get in the way of our fitness routine. But just because you can’t make that hour-long yoga class, you can […]

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My Body, My Way: Why I Stopped Setting Deadlines and Started Enjoying the Process

“Life isn’t about ‘getting there’.  It’s about ‘being here’, and enjoying your journey”-Robert Holden I remember telling my Grandpa that I was going to major in Vocal Performance in college.  […]

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