Elite Blog

Member Stories: Joe Fraunfelder "Active, but not fit"

  We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how […]

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Start on the Right Foot with Custom Orthotics

If you or a family member has difficulty managing foot, lower extremity or back discomfort, now is the time to take an active step in solving the problem with SMART […]

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Tricks of the Trade for Holiday Eating

All jokes aside, we all have some notions in the back of our minds about how we will “do” with our Holiday eating! Many people suggest that it is just […]

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The Dos and Don’ts of Tennis

DON’T: Skip Your Warm-Up. Tennis demands a lot from your body – jumping into a tennis match without having warmed-up is like making a snow angel in your swimsuit. DO: Make […]

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What is a "Functional Movement Screen" and How Can It Help You?

Movement screens are tools personal trainers use to help determine what exercises are appropriate, and what issues you may have with how you move that could be improved through exercise.

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So, Why Do I Do What I Do? Confessions of a Dietitian

Recently I had the fortune of arriving at my Aunt Mary’s house, and found that she had made my favorite Rum Cake for dessert. My mouth watered as the flashbacks […]

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Member Stories: Jennifer Schultz "Activities for the whole family"

  We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how […]

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10 Healthy Things to be Thankful For

In honor of Thanksgiving, we present you with a list of 10 healthy things to be thankful for…

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