Elite Blog

Getting Started on a Fitness Journey

So, you’re ready to get started in a fitness journey? But what’s the first step? Here’s some advice on how to set goals and find success on this new path you’re […]

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Stocking Your Kitchen for Quick and Healthy Meals

Most of us don’t want to be spending all day in the kitchen preparing food for our families. Nevertheless, we want homemade meals that taste good and are healthy. In my house it starts with, […]

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Getting Kids Moving and Competing with Video Games

It’s redundant to explain that kids are falling short of the mark with regard to their physical fitness, but a look at the data paints an eye-opening picture: a whopping […]

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15 Little Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier You

Diets and fitness fads aren’t built to last. Making subtle changes to your everyday life will turn into regular lifestyle habits that will. Celebrate the New Year with these 15 […]

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6 Exercises for Stronger Triceps

The triceps is a muscle located on the back of your upper arm, and is responsible for extension. Along with the biceps brachii, it is responsible for powerful arm movements. […]

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What’s New in the Freezer Section?

Good ideas for freezer entrees that you can just pull out and enjoy can come from your own kitchen, or you can take a look at these new frozen meals […]

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Finding Enjoyment in the Game Fosters Success on the Court

You may recall our post last spring on Ali Pollack, the first student athlete in Wisconsin to ever be recruited to play for Columbia’s tennis team, an NCAA Division One […]

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New Fitness Trends for 2017

With the New Year just days away, now is the perfect time to talk about the up and coming fitness trends for 2017. This time of year is one of […]

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