Topic: Fitness & Training

5 Obstacles to Lifestyle Change and How to Overcome Them

It’s not unusual for our members to come to the clubs seeking change. More often than not, that change is in their body in some way – weight loss, muscle gain, […]

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Fitness Classes to Jump Start Your New Health Club Membership

New gym, new routines, new people?! This can be quite the daunting experience for many individuals so don’t feel like you’re the only one. Also, don’t let it scare you […]

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Walking: The Easy Everyday Exercise

Don’t always have time to make it to the gym for a workout? There’s a much more accessible form of exercise that often gets overlooked because we do it every […]

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Fitness and Childcare Go Hand-in-Hand

While having kids may make it seem like you have less time to focus on yourself, it doesn’t make self-care any less important. Exercise is always an essential aspect of […]

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Achieve Your Goals With Milwaukee Personal Trainers

Have you ever wished there was someone else that could tell you what to include in your fitness routine, how to exercise, or even what to eat in order to […]

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Group Exercise Classes 101

New to exercise or to your health club? Often a great place to start with your fitness routine, and to meet new people, is with group exercise classes. Often exercise classes in […]

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Foam Rolling FAQ

Chances are you’ve witnessed someone using a foam roller in the gym at some point. So why are people foam rolling, and what does it do? We’ve answered some frequently […]

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5 Common Fitness Excuses and How to Conquer Them

We all make excuses, especially for avoiding exercise. Here’s a list of some common fitness excuses and solutions for overcoming them.

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