Tagged: diet

Healthy Parents Make For Healthy Kids

Multiple studies show a positive correlation between parental body image and diet, and those of their children. One of the main influences of either a healthy—or unhealthy—lifestyle are parents. Children are masters […]

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Staff Stories: The Relationship Between Weight Loss and Muscle

Aside from being eye candy, muscle does some really important things for your overall health. At the bottom of this article, there is a video. This is a Q&A session […]

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20 Myths About Nutrition

Mainstream nutrition is full of nonsense. Despite all of the advancements in nutrition science, some myths just don’t die. It’s time to separate the fact from the fiction. Here are […]

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Raising Healthy Eaters from Preschool to High School

Food, nutrition, and eating skills are among the most important things you can share with children — food to fuel busy, successful lives, nutrition to nourish strong bodies and smart brains, and […]

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Right-Sized Portions for Your Toddler

Very young children need the same variety of nutrient-rich foods as older kids and adults, just in much smaller quantities. As portions have gotten bigger, some parents and caregivers have […]

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Family-Centered Eating & Healthy Snacks

In today’s frantic, busy world have the days of family dinners been all but lost? Do your kids’ after school activities consume your weeknights; leaving little time for cooking, let […]

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It’s a Wrap! Best Food Choices for Cancer Prevention

If you have been following my posts over the past few months, you’ll know that what you eat matters not only for your waistline, but also when it comes to […]

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Marinated Shrimp Salad with Avocado Recipe

Enjoy shrimp in a salad with this easy, fresh recipe for marinated shrimp salad with avocado. Drizzle with a homemade citrus vinaigrette for a perfect punch of flavor!

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The 7 Color Food Groups That Help Fight Cancer

As mentioned in my previous blog post, scientists have identified naturally occurring substances in foods that have the power to defuse potential carcinogens. Some of these substances are thought to […]

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Think You Are Eating Enough Fruits & Vegetables? EAT MORE!

How many servings of fruits and vegetables do adults actually need per day? 5-servings per day will be sufficient to supply needed nutrients. A serving is considered ½-cup cooked vegetables […]

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