Elite Blog

Fast Food Restaurants Now Offering Superfood Sides

In our endless search for good food on the go, one fast food restaurant has come up with a great idea. Chick-fil-A has introduced a new side menu item, superfood kale with […]

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The Evolution Of Fitness Technology

Oh how technology has changed. You don’t have to carry around that clunky tape player or walkman. You also have more options than Tetris or Pong on your gaming system. […]

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How to Train for Your First 5K (+Free Training Plan)

The 5K race has become one of the most popular racing distances in the United States. While some people sign up for these races as a new training goal to accomplish, others sign up for […]

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Diet Plans and Fitness Plans Must Go Hand-in-Hand

Every year I think back about the efforts that so many club members make in order to compete in the Team Weight Loss Challenge and other programs designed for improved […]

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Instructor Highlight: Craig Charlton

At Elite Sports Clubs you’ll often find that many of our certified personal trainers are also group exercise instructors. That’s one of the values of Elite, you’re getting highly educated […]

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The 30 Year History Of Dieting

Dieting. Who loves dieting? You? No? If you do you’re probably in the minority. However we’ve all probably tried to diet at some point. And speaking of some point, ever wonder […]

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One More Win: 2016 Summer Olympics

While many Olympic hopefuls had their dreams come true this year for a first-timer’s shot at the world stage, many athletes will be going to the 2016 Summer Olympics in […]

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Mango Peach Raspberry Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Smoothie bowls are the new craze. Use whatever fruit, nuts, and seeds you have on hand to make this super simple and delicious smoothie bowl recipe. But keep in mind, frozen fruit is […]

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