Topic: Fitness & Training

Defying Genetics With A Healthy Lifestyle

We get a lot of who we are from our parents or family tree. Maybe it’s our dad’s nose, our mom’s hair color, or that personality trait we saw in […]

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Yoga for Athletes

Yoga is not just for slim girls in yoga pants anymore. More athletes, including professionals, are finding the benefits of yoga. If you think yoga is a waste of your […]

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Can You Look Healthy and Be Unhealthy?

The adage, “never judge a book by its cover,” can be tough to put into practice, especially when construed with fitness and health. For example, is it possible to look […]

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Alternative Biceps Curls to Challenge Your Body

Several weeks ago, we discussed new ways to challenge your body by doing variations of exercises with which you are familiar (i.e. the plank). Sometimes, you can hit a plateau […]

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How to Effectively Train Your Triceps

When most people think of arm strength, they think of biceps. However, targeting your triceps muscles is equally important. Understanding the anatomy of these muscles will help you train your […]

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How to Eat Like an Olympian: Part 4 of 4

Planning your meals in advance may help save on stress, time, and calories. Olympians stick to a strict meal plan using healthy options during their athletic training to prevent impulse […]

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How to Eat Like an Olympian: Part 3 of 4

Healthy snacks are just as important to Olympic athletes as their regularly scheduled meals. Snacks that combine two or three food groups ensure that athletes consume a variety of vitamins […]

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How to Eat Like an Olympian: Part 2 of 4

Olympic athletes always need to be at peak physical condition. They optimize their diets by consuming nutrient-rich, mostly plant-based foods to fuel before and after, sometimes during, exercise. The second […]

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