Topic: Fitness & Training

Health Clubs Are an All-in-One Local Summer Getaway

If you belong to a health club that has an outdoor pool, you are in luck! Not only can you take advantage of the club’s fitness center to get a […]

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Staying Active and Healthy While Working a Desk Job

Most jobs today involve sitting for long periods of time, which can lead to a host of health issues such as obesity, back pain, and poor posture. Sitting for extended […]

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The Benefits of Group Fitness Classes: Finding Community and Accountability

Group fitness classes are a fun and effective way to get in shape and stay motivated. They offer a wide range of workouts, from high-intensity interval training to yoga and […]

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Transitioning to Spring & Summer Workouts

As the weather warms up and the days get longer, it’s time to transition your winter workout routine to something that’s more suited to spring and summer. Here are some […]

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7 Tips for Increasing Your Running Speed & Distance

Race season is upon us and that means many runners are already starting to train. Whether you’re training for your first race or 50th, one of your goals may be […]

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Star Wars Day 2023 Workout

May the 4th is annually celebrated as “Star Wars Day” because the date sounds similar to the movies’ iconic line “May the Force be with you.” Last year’s Star Wars […]

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7 Tips for Summer Body Resolutions

  As the weather gets warmer, many of us start to think about our summer bodies. Whether you’re looking to shed a few pounds, tone up, or simply feel more […]

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Is It Worth Paying for a Milwaukee Personal Trainer?

If you’re someone who’s been considering getting in shape or reaching your fitness goals, you’ve probably thought about hiring a personal trainer. In Milwaukee, there are many options for personal […]

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