Tagged: high cholesterol

Nutrition Takeaways from Your Blood Lipid Panel

A blood lipid panel will assess your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and can help monitor your current treatment plan if you are already diagnosed. If you do not have […]

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The Risks of High Cholesterol

There are many risks associated with having high cholesterol. Understanding what causes, risk factors, and prevention methods will help you implement changes to your lifestyle in order to lower your […]

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Member Stories: Eric Ensminger "110 Pounds Later-Racing with Friends, Inspiring Others"

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be Elite, and how exercise […]

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What Can a Registered Dietitian Do for You?

If you have been following our blog for awhile, you have probably noticed the weekly posts from Elite Sports Clubs’ Registered Dietitian, Rita. However, many of you may not really […]

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