Tagged: diet

10 Facts About Stress and Diet

We’re all guilty of stress eating at one point or another. And let’s be honest, there’s a lot in life to stress about. However, don’t let your eating habits slip […]

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The 80/20 Food/Fitness Rule & Pre/Post Workout Eating

To achieve a healthy lifestyle, the foods you eat should work in harmony with your fitness routine. In fact, it is a ratio of 20% fitness experience and 80% dietary […]

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Advice for People with Lactose Intolerance

Many people will have difficulties with their consumption of milk and milk products due to a variety of different reasons. Stress can be a problem, as well as temporary stomach upset […]

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Diet vs. DNA: Which Really Determines Body Shape

We all have that one friend who can eat anything and never workout without any negative consequences. On the other hand, there’s the friend who eats healthy and is active […]

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Can a Weight Loss Plateau Be a Good Thing?

While they can be discouraging and destructive to your goals, a weight loss plateau is actually a really good thing, even if they last for a few weeks! Read on […]

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3 Healthy Recipes Using Sweet Potatoes

As a natural transition from October to November, I’m bringing you some of my best-kept recipes to fuel your body by using Sweet Potatoes! Sweet potatoes not only fit the fall and […]

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Staff Highlight: Sarah Brunner

We are pleased to have you meet our new Registered Dietitian, Sarah Brunner. Sarah recently graduated from the Coordinated Program at Mount Mary University with a Bachelor of Science degree […]

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Nature vs Nurture: How it Affects Your Relationship with Food

Nature may have a lot to do with our food choices and overall relationship with food. Just as you are born with a particular shape to your face, head, nose, […]

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When Eating Fish Isn’t So Good for Your Health

For the most part, we all know eating fish is generally good for your health due in part to the good heart health that is provided by an essential nutrient, Omega […]

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Why Certain Foods are Considered Just Plain Junk!

The interesting point about many of the 15 foods described below as unhealthy junk foods, is that these are the very foods that many people talk about and enjoy on a […]

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