The Truth About Dietary Myths: Weekend splurges & cheat days

Weekend splurges and cheat days

Can I eat a careful diet during the week, and do what I want on the weekend? As in, one or two free days per week?! This has come up often and is popular in the press! That is, “free days.” But what exactly is a free day?

Years ago, but certainly not now, people felt that dieting was a kind of hardship or curse they had to endure in order to occasionally lose the 10 pounds before vacation. Today, we look at this issue more philosophically, and for the long term, to keep ourselves from doing something we don’t really want to do! What could be that bad? And why?

Today, “diets” are by choice. An altered eating plan full of wonderful fresh and healthy foods that we have hand-picked as our favorites. Generally, the menu plans offered in health magazines are designed as examples of what might be worth eating, but not really copy perfect.

Personalized diets today, as those that are designed in my practice, are carefully constructed to be just what individuals will want. Time is taken to take a look at schedules, habits, food preferences, and of course, foods that may need some trimming. Mind you, I am saying “by choice.” Yes, today we have found that by making our own selections, that there is nothing that we will eat against our “will;” and therefore, will not need those “weekend” splurges. The best advice that is given by professionals today is to make suggestions based on good foods and good practice!

Try to keep this in mind this week as you go forward! And, if the foods that we are choosing need some adjustments think long and hard about it, so that it is “decided” before you try it.

Try some of the recipes found in the Team Weight Loss Challenge cookbook, such as “Lemon Garlic Slow Cooker Chicken,” or “Marinated Shrimp Salad with Avocado.”

Try one or more of the healthy delicious lunches and dinner entrees that can be provided by Sarah Dusseau’s Fit Food Trainer weekly meal service. She has a new menu each week and can deliver on both sides of town!

So, can you have a “free” day? Sure, if you want to do that. But, if you follow this advice, you aren’t going to need it or want it. It is a dietary prescription designed by you today and only you. The rest of us, the dietitian and the trainers, are there to assist your personal needs and, most of all, choices.

Have a wonderful week and feel free to contact any of the trained professionals on the Elite staff for more advice!

Looking for more healthy tips? Set up a consultation with our Registered Dietitian!

By Rita Larsen, RD, CD; Elite Sports Clubs Nutrition Educator & Diet Counselor