Staying Active and Healthy While Working a Desk Job

Staying Active and Healthy While Working a Desk Job

Most jobs today involve sitting for long periods of time, which can lead to a host of health issues such as obesity, back pain, and poor posture. Sitting for extended periods can also increase the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. If you work a desk job, it’s essential to find ways to stay active and healthy to prevent these issues.

Here are some tips on how to stay active and healthy while working a desk job:

Take Frequent Breaks

Sitting for long periods can lead to stiffness and poor circulation, so it’s essential to take frequent breaks throughout the day. Set a timer on your phone or computer to remind you to get up and move every 30-60 minutes. Take a quick walk around the office, do some stretches, or take a few flights of stairs to get your blood flowing.

Stand Up More Often

Invest in a standing desk or a desk converter that allows you to work while standing. Standing desks are a great way to break up the monotony of sitting and can help improve circulation, reduce back pain, and increase energy levels.

Walk More

Use your lunch break to take a walk around the block, or walk to a nearby park to eat your lunch. If you need to talk to a colleague, walk over to their desk instead of sending an email or instant message. Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. Park farther away from the building so it forces you to walk more steps.

Attend a Mid-Day Exercise Class

Use your lunch break to go to the gym! This is a great way to break up the monotony of your day and get in a bit of physical activity. Classes are scheduled for a set amount of time so it’s easier to plan them into your daily routine. Elite Sports Clubs specifically offers classes at noon for those who want to utilize their lunch break for a quick sweat. You can also shower off right at the club locker room.

Exercise & Stretch at the Office

If you can’t find time to exercise outside of work, try incorporating exercise into your workday. Consider doing some desk exercises, like squats or calf raises, while you’re on a phone call or waiting for a document to print. If you have a conference room available, use it for a quick yoga or stretching session during your break.

Choose Healthy Snacks

It’s easy to snack on junk food while sitting at your desk, but it’s important to choose healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up. Stock up on healthy snacks like fruit, nuts, and veggies, and avoid sugary or processed snacks.

It’s essential to find ways to stay active and healthy while working a desk job. Taking frequent breaks, standing up more often, walking more, attending exercise classes, incorporating exercise into your workday, and choosing healthy snacks can all help you stay healthy and prevent health issues associated with sitting for long periods. By making small changes to your daily routine, you can improve your overall health and well-being.

If you’re looking for a gym close to where you work that offers lunchtime exercise classes, Elite Sports Clubs is an excellent option! We have daily classes before, during, and after your workday so you can find a type of class that appeals to you. Click the button below to learn more about our group exercise classes.

Learn More About Group Exercise Classes