Shred-HIIT Group Training Program Review

Shred-HIIT Group Training Program Review

As an Elite Sports Clubs member enthusiast and Member Ambassador, I am making my job a little more fun, and your job of finding that perfect workout a whole lot easier!  This fall, I am taking it upon myself to test the latest and greatest of Elite’s various training programs and group exercise classes, and then report back to you my experience.  Here’s the cool part;  I’m in ok shape, but I’ve got a ways to go.  I’m not a trainer, I’m not a fitness fanatic, and I even eat Oreos from time to time.  So, I’m one of you!  If I think a class is hard, I’ll tell you.  If I wore the wrong thing, I’ll tell you what not to wear and what to wear instead. You get the gist.  I hope that you will find this series to be helpful and inspire you to get out there, and find the perfect combination of workouts for you!

The Workout:  


The Instructor:

Susie Montross- Director of Personal Training at Elite Sports Club-Brookfield

Susie’s Fitness Mantra:

“Fun! I want my clients to leave feeling like they did something great for their bodies and spirit. Enjoying what they are doing is crucial so they will continue exercising for life!”

Trainer Tip:

“I like this quote, ‘Insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.’ When it comes to exercise,  alternating your workout routine will increase your performance and overall fitness without stressing your body by doing the same thing repeatedly.”

Class Description:

This 45-minute Small Group Personal Training class focuses on High Intensity Interval Training combined with Shred, which is a circuit style class that focuses on strength, balance, and core. We used a combination of free-weights, stationary weights and balance boards to work several muscle groups all at once. Each circuit was made up of 2-3 individual exercises, and each exercise was 20 seconds on, 10-seconds off. Each circuit was repeated twice.

This style of training program gets your heart rate going for sure, but concentrates more on weight training and muscle isolation. It would be a great workout to combine with a cardio routine. Susie recommends the class to anyone with a decent level of fitness. You definitely don’t need to be a pro, as I got through the class feeling challenged but not defeated. However, if you are new to a fitness routine, Susie suggests consulting her before-hand to make certain that the class is within your comfort level. The great thing about Shred-HIIT is that each exercise can be modified to cater to your ability and comfort level. For example, a few other participants chose to use 10lb weights, but I chose 5lb weights. Someday I’ll reach for the tens, but not yet. 😉

Take Away:

I left feeling challenged and tired, but not defeated. I would recommend this class to anyone in relatively good shape who wants to add a boost to their regular fitness routine.

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Elite Sports Clubs Ambassador Susan Madden HeadshotWritten by Susan Madden—Member, Mom, and Guest Blog Contributor

Writer, marketer and mom, Susan Madden, has a background working with the Fine Arts in Dallas, TX and Milwaukee, WI. Relatively new to the fitness industry, she enjoys sharing her experiences about the craziness that is parenting and wellness from a novice perspective. She is a native of Whitefish Bay, WI and now resides in Mequon, WI with her husband Mike and children, Samantha and Blake.