Pickleball Positioning 101: Use the Kitchen to Your Advantage

Pickleball Positioning 101 - Use the Kitchen to Your Advantage

You can give yourself a significant advantage by knowing where to stand on the pickleball court. By positioning your body effectively, you’ll be able to return your opponent’s shot with ease. Here are some pickleball positioning tips that will help you win your next match.

Pickleball Positioning Near the Kitchen

The “No-Volley Zone,” more popularly referred to as the Kitchen, presents one of the biggest challenges for new pickleball players. Less experienced players will typically stand 2 to 5 feet away from the line due to their fear of committing a foot fault. By doing this, they are putting themselves at a huge disadvantage from a positioning standpoint.

It is advantageous to be as close to the net as possible, which is why the area is restricted. So, get as close as possible! Your toes should be no more than 6 inches from the Kitchen line when playing pickleball at the net. To return balls that are poorly dinked, you should lean forward and have bent knees. DO NOT STEP WHILE VOLLEYING. On volleys and slams, plant your feet and generate power with your hips and upper body. This will help you be more consistent and prevent foot faults.

Learn Pickleball in Milwaukee

The interest for pickleball in Milwaukee has been growing faster than ever before. Elite is happy to offer intro classes and adult pickleball leagues in Brookfield, Glendale, and Mequon.

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