Member Stories: Susana & Marina Wigdale "We love to pool hop!"

Elite Sports Club Members-Marina Wigdale

Susana Wigdale’s daughter, Marina; both Elite Sports Clubs members

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise not only adds years to your life, but life to your years! Today we’d like to highlight another member’s experience:

My daughter, Marina, and I joined Mequon Elite as soon as the pool opened during renovations a number of years ago.

On weekends, Marina goes to the E-Zone in the morning to play with friends while I walk dogs. Then we go out to lunch. Then we return to Mequon Elite so that I can swim laps while Marina plays with friends in the warm pool. Instead, she usually gets in my lane and grabs my feet, swims under me and races me until she drives me crazy! Nevertheless, when she’s at school, I miss her. So, I often like to volunteer at Marina’s school.

Elite Sports Club Members-Marina Wigdale

When Susana & Marina aren’t swimming or playing tennis, they enjoy outdoor winter activities (if it’s not too cold!)

We swim and play tennis year-round. During the week, Marina has a swim lesson with Rachel or Ariana. She wants to join Swim Team. Marina also takes tennis lessons at Mequon Elite with Brian, Joe or Kaila and North Shore Elite with Rick or Chip. She has enjoyed playing in a number of tennis tournaments. I take tennis lessons with Wally at River Glen every other week or so.

Elite Sports Club Members-Marina Wigdale

Marina Wigdale enjoying the winter weather.

In the summer we love to pool hop at Mequon Elite and River Glen. In the winter, we love to ice skate, ski and sled. During the recent cold snap, it has been too cold to do any of these things. We have been especially appreciative of Mequon Elite and its staff. We are particularly thankful for Rachel and Jessica for being such good friends to us.

Share your own “elite” story; whether it be of weight loss, conquering that first race, improving your tennis rating, accomplishing a goal, or some other unique aspect of your life that makes you ELITE! No story is too small, we are proud of ALL of our members!