Member Stories: Marian C. Kieckbusch "Practice! Practice! Practice!"

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be Elite, and how exercise not only adds years to your life, but life to your years! Today we’d like to highlight another member’s accomplishments:

There were many sports I could not learn when I was growing up because I grew up in a family of 11 children. If my parents could not afford for all of us to take the lessons, so then none of us could. That was my dear mother’s (bless her soul) way of being fair to all of us.

At any rate, I ALWAYS wanted to learn how to swim. Now as an adult, having a son and grandson, along with camping, and sailing, all these have made the desire even stronger. I have taken 3 to 4 Group Sessions around the Milwaukee Area and was able to learn a few things but never could figure out the “treading technique.” The treading technique I really felt I needed to know because that proved to me that I understood the ability to float in deep water (I think you may have to be a non-swimmer to understand that statement).

Marian C. Kieckbusch

A few months after I joined Elite, I heard that Jessica Heller is successful at teaching adults how to swim. I immediately signed on for the Private Lessons with Jessica. Between the techniques Jessica has taught me and the encouragement to practice between sessions, I was able to figure out the treading technique.

I remember it well, it was one night at practice before my session with Jessica. I was doing one of the strokes that she taught me and thinking about the survival techniques that she taught me as well, that is when it all clicked and I attempted to go in the water above my head and try the treading technique. It worked! I did it!

Motivational Quote

When Jessica arrived for the session, guess where I was? You got! In the deep water and treading! Awesome! Right!?! I was happy, but I think Jessica was even more excited than me. I can now say: “I know how to swim!” Thank You Jessica for all your help! My advice to anyone who wants to learn is to find a good trainer/teacher, never give up, try to always have fun in the water, and practice, practice, practice.

Are you interested in swim lessons for yourself or your child? We offer varying levels at our Brookfield, Mequon, and River Glen locations. Get started today!

Share your own “elite” story of weight loss, conquering that first race, improving your tennis rating, or accomplishing some other goal! No story is too small, we are proud of ALL of our members!