Member Stories: Lee Frederick

Elite Member Stories - Lee Frederick

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise not only adds years to your life, but life to your years! Today we’d like to highlight another member’s experience:

I came to Milwaukee to start a business in 1986 as a “wannabe” tennis player who had never played much indoors. I joined Le Club as a member in the winter and started playing with Chuck Luber when his partners would no-show. From then, I met and played with such beautiful people as Maury Perstein, Hubie Shneider, Royal Taxman, Billy Smith, Joe Puirefoy, Peggy Kirking, Debbie Burgess and Jeff Katsban. Maybe we were all wannabe’s, but our joy of playing together was always 5-star.

My 29 years at Le Club, now Elite Sports Club-River Glen, have been kind to me. I have transitioned from playing tennis almost every day to swimming, riding the bike, and weight training. I have also transitioned from being sore daily, to “a good sore,” to “sweet discomfort.” And as the years have gone on, I made another transition from never taking a day off from working out, to taking days off without guilt. The club has helped me rehab through two major surgeries—both related to my exercise history.

All through these times, my goal as a member has been to “keep the wolf away from the door!”

Share your own story! Whether it be of weight loss, conquering that first race, improving your tennis rating, accomplishing a goal, or some other unique aspect of your life that makes you ELITE!

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