We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise not only adds years to your life, but life to your years! Today we’d like to highlight another member’s experience:
I work on cars for a living as a mechanic and love what I do. In the winter I also “work” part time as a certified snow sports instructor teaching kids and youth how to snowboard. I enjoy traveling and being outdoors with friends and family. I participate in many recreational activities like softball, volleyball, basketball, kickball, ultimate frisbee and disc golf. Snowboarding out west or in Canada is my favorite vacation destination/activity. Exercising, working with youth groups, volunteer work, mission trips, and helping others is what I like to do with my spare time.
If I can’t make it to the local gym, I will work out at home, but that comes with distractions! Elite Sports Club-North Shore was the first gym I walked into after moving to Milwaukee. I had cancelled my membership with a gym in the Chicago area, where I had previously lived, and I was hoping to find something to meet my requirements. They were exceeded. Entering the facility I was greeted with a warm smile and directed into the office of Jodi Schmidt, General Manager. If you have never talked with Jodi, please do so! She is an energetic, spirited, intelligent, optimistic, kind and caring individual. She is a class act. Her door is always open and she listens to your comments and concerns. (I even got to work out with her, once!) She explained all the details of the club and answered all my questions. I was so impressed with the interactions I had with just the few staff members I met, I signed up. I didn’t even get a tour of the facility yet! The tour did not disappoint. It is a clean, well maintained, up-to-date, organized, spacious and fully equipped health club. There are a variety of classes available as well as challenges, competitions, recreational sports, and even social events. It’s like a big family! I was impressed.
I had only been a member a few days, when I realized that the people who work there and work-out at Elite are what make it so great. The personal trainers are highly educated and are so very helpful. I believe they are a critical part of the experience. They care about your fitness goals and well being. I got the feeling in the past, at other clubs, that sometimes I am just seen as a dollar sign to the staff. Not so at Elite. All the trainers I met are friendly and hard working, but because of the time of day I attend, I have worked with Gage and Jordan. These two gentleman have so much knowledge and such an intimate understanding of the human body. They are always willing and able to show me how to use the equipment, give me a new exercise, help me with my form, give expert advice or just ask how my day was and give me some encouragement. They are the best and it provides an atmosphere like no other club and it has an effect on all of us. I have made many friends with both the staff and members. We all have a common goal, so from that comes fellowship, encouragement, and even a little accountability to help drive us. For that I am very thankful. Thanks Elite!
Share your own “elite” story; whether it be of weight loss, conquering that first race, improving your tennis rating, accomplishing a goal, or some other unique aspect of your life that makes you ELITE! No story is too small, we are proud of ALL of our members!