If You Feel Like Giving Up, Remember Why You Started

Never Give Up

Sometimes fitness and diet can really get you down. Don’t think you’re alone. Yes, even us fitness professionals sometimes feel that way, too. You try hard, but sometimes it doesn’t seem to be working. We’re here to tell you to never give up and remember why started in the first place.

Bad Days Happen

You have a bad food day…or three. You go out with friends and have a glass of wine, AND dessert. And if you’re anything like me, your body is just soooo happy to take anything extra and apply it to your waist, hips and thighs. What a bummer.

I’ve been there before. I’ve been there many times, in fact. If your goal is to be as healthy and strong as you can be, then these little blips are just that–small bumps that you can easily overcome. Get back on track. Work on just being healthy 80% of the time as a reachable goal. Yes, you’re allowed to have a bad day every once in awhile because nobody is perfect. However, don’t allow yourself to make it a habit. Work hard on defining your diet and fitness tendencies.

Take Charge!

You are in charge of your health. You choose the workouts, the frequency, and how fitness fits into your life. Re-evaluate your goals today. Make a change for the better today. And if today doesn’t end up being your best day, work on it again, tomorrow! You CAN do it!

If you feel you’re not quite up to the task on your own, it’s ok to ask for help. Personal trainers provide accountability and motivation to help you achieve your goals.

If this is the case, let’s start off with a FREE fitness consultation. It’s a no obligation meeting where we can talk about your current habits and what goals you want to accomplish.

Set up a Free Fitness Consultation


Written by Melissa Abramovich, ACE CPT, NASM CGT, AAHFRP Medical Exercise Specialist