Staff Highlight: David Pentek

Staff Highlight - David Pentek

Meet David Pentek, the General Manager at Elite Sports Club-Mequon! David has a strong passion for health and fitness, having worked in the industry for over 20 years. Learn more about his background and what he’s most excited to accomplish at Elite!

Get to Know David Pentek

  1. What position(s) do you currently hold at Elite and any you have held in the past?

I’m the General Manager at Elite-Mequon.

  1. How long have you been working in the health/fitness/tennis industry and how long have you worked at Elite?

I started in the health and fitness industry in 2003 and joined Elite in June of 2023.

  1. What made you want to start working in this industry and/or for Elite?

I have been in the education profession for the last 20 years as a Physical Education teacher, coach, and recently an Athletic Director. As a former college athlete, I have a passion for sports, fitness, and working with kids.  I have two sons, ages 4 and 6, and I wanted to be around for my kids and wife more. I value and appreciate the Elite organization for how they value the employee and their families. Being able to work in the athletic industry in the community that I live all while being able to be present for my family is a great opportunity and look forward to working for and with the Elite staff for many years to come.

  1. What is your favorite part about your job?

I love interacting with the members and learning why they are members of the club. There are so many different backgrounds and reasons why each person wants to stay active and healthy. I look forward to contributing to helping these members moving forward to a healthier lifestyle all while having fun.

  1. What activities do you participate in at the club or outside of the club that are health/fitness/tennis related?

I am very active in the fitness room, working on personal goals. I love swimming with my sons and wife. I have taught pickleball in the past and look forward to playing more of that in the future. Outside of the club, the outdoors is my world. Fishing, hunting, and boating are all very much a passion of mine.

  1. What has been your biggest personal struggle with health/fitness/tennis?

The biggest personal struggle I have been working with has been the work and home balancing act.

  1. What has been your biggest personal accomplishment with health/fitness/tennis?

Going back to my college years, I am extremely proud to be a member of 4 National Champion Track and Field teams.  I put hours and hours of hard work in both on and off the track to meet that goal, and to be able to do it 4 times is a huge accomplishment.

  1. What advice do you give people who are coming to the club for the first time?

My advice to all is to “Be yourself” and “Don’t worry about what others are doing.” Each person has different goals, workouts, interests, and routines. There is no one system that works for all, so I encourage everyone to do what they feel is best and enjoy it at the same time.

  1. What advice do you give people who are struggling to make health/fitness/tennis a priority or are getting bored/burned out?

Don’t give up. Goals are not met over night. If a person can get over the initial startup period or training obstacles, then they will be able to continue or see results.

  1. What personal advice do you give someone who is looking to get to a healthier point in their life in general?

I would encourage them to be patient. Great things will come with hard work and that things will get easier over time.  Goals are not met overnight, but with consistency and not giving up, they will be met.

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