Wilted Cucumber & Tomato Relish Recipe

Wilted Cucumber and Tomato Relish Recipe

This relish or simple side comes to us from an Elite Sports Club – North Shore member and grandmother, who enjoys making this for her family with fresh vegetables right out of the garden. In my opinion, it is far tastier than just a regular platter of cucumber and tomatoes. And at this time of year, you may be looking for some new ways to serve this plentiful dish.

Wilted Cucumber & Tomato Relish Recipe

Makes 3-5- cups total

Prep Time: 15 minutes


  • 3-whole cucumbers, cleaned, peeled, and sliced thin
  • 5-tomatoes, large, slice in 1/4 inch slices
  • 1/2-cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2-cup water
  • 1-Tbsp sugar
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Herbs to taste, from your garden, can be added, chopped


  1. Cut up and layer cucumber and tomatoes in a dish.
  2. Heat wilting solution in a pan until boiling; water, vinegar, sugar, salt, and pepper.
  3. Pour over the vegetables. Cool in refrigerator until wilted and ready to serve.
  4. Add your fresh herbs; parsley, basil, and thyme as desired.

This relish will last several days in the refrigerator. Cover, and keep eating!

Nutrition Information:

Good source of vitamin A & C, several minerals, less than 50 calories per serving.

Enjoy the rest of your summer bounty!

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Rita Larsen Registered Dietitian at Elite Sports Clubs

Written by Rita Larsen, RDN, CD; Elite Sports Clubs Nutrition Educator & Diet Counselor

Rita is certified in Positive Psychology, University of Penn; has a BS in Dietetics from Kansas State University; and an Internship and Masters at the Indiana University Medical Center.

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