Summer’s Bounty: Sweet Yellow Corn

Summer's Bounty - Sweet Yellow Corn

Part of what makes summer so fun is the fresh produce we can purchase this time of year. One of those is fresh corn on the cob. It is high in fiber, reasonable in carbohydrate, and is generally liked by the whole family. But most of all, it is the symbolism that it is a part of the mid-to-late summer than we all enjoy! Here are the nutrients from one ear of Sweet Yellow Corn:

  • 83 Calories
  • 1 gm Fat
  • 183 mg Potassium
  • 19 gm Carbohydrate
  • 2.2 gm Fiber
  • 2.6 gm Protein
  • High in Vitamin A and C; and Thiamin
  • Low in Saturated Fat, no Cholesterol

Suggested ways to cook small servings of corn: the Microwave! Just put 1-2 ears of fresh sweet corn on a plate for the microwave. Leave on the husk, silk, and all. Cook on high for 3-4 minutes for 1 ear or 7-8 minutes for 2 ears. Remove carefully and put on a cutting board to cool slightly. Using a heavy serrated knife, cut the bottom 1-inch section off from the corn and throw this portion away, leaving the husk and silk. Next, hold the ear with silk end up and cut-off other end on the bottom. Shake lightly. The whole ear will easily fall out. You are left with a cleaned ear of corn. Discard the husk and silk. Your corn is ready to eat and enjoy!

Suggested ways to store corn: in the Freezer! Husk ears and remove silk. Place ears in large cook pot and blanch for 3-minutes in hot water. Cool to room temperature and cut the corn from the ears by standing it upright and cutting with a sharp knife downward towards the counter. Fill the bags leaving some room at the top. Squeeze out the air, seal the bags and label.

I used to help my grandmother prepare quite a few packages of corn for the freezer. She also would add sugar, corn syrup, and butter to each bag to “preserve” the corn. Today, it is known that adding ingredients to the package does not add to taste or preservation, so adding these ingredients or others is not recommended.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and think about having some of the fresh corn available at the farmer’s markets.

Rita Larsen Registered Dietitian at Elite Sports Clubs

Written by Rita Larsen, RDN, CD; Elite Sports Clubs Nutrition Educator & Diet Counselor

Rita is certified in Positive Psychology, University of Penn; has a BS in Dietetics from Kansas State University; and an Internship and Masters at the Indiana University Medical Center.

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