What’s Causing Your Knee Pain?

What's Causing Your Knee Pain?

Experiencing chronic knee pain? Knee pain is complex, and there could be many culprits behind it. Here are 3 possible causes for your knee pain and some suggested exercises or stretches you can try to help. For a proper diagnosis, consult your physician or physical therapist.

Ankle Mobility

Ankle mobility directly affects how the knee moves and how much stress is put on the knee. With a decrease in ankle mobility, your knee then must compensate for the lack of motion. Try some ankle stretches or ankle roles to loosen up the ankle joint.

Hip Mobility

Just like your ankles, your hips can also do the same thing to your knee. If you have a lack of range of motion in the hips, then your knee may have to compensate for that as well. However, this could be a double-edged sword. Chances are you probably have back pain as well if you have decreased hip mobility. Try some stretches to loosen up the hips.

Weak/Unstable Hips

A third possibility could be unstable hips. If the muscles of the hip are weak, then the stability of the hips and knees is generally poor. Many of the muscles in the hips help stabilize the knee. Try some band exercises that work the stabilizing muscles of the hips.

Be sure to consult your doctor or a physical therapist to get a proper diagnosis on what is causing your knee pain.