Blog: What is the Best Form of Exercise?

The best form of exercise is really the one that will help you accomplish your fitness goals. Let's look at the pros and cons of five common exercises.

Blog: Keep Your Summer Body All Winter Long

By switching your thinking from seasonal to lifestyle, you will get yourself in the right mindset to keep that summer body you worked so hard for.

Blog: How to Defeat Seasonal Depression

The best way to defeat seasonal depression begins with recognizing the issue and then trying different tactics to thwart those winter blues.

Blog: Staff Highlight: Riki Spahn

Today we'd like to introduce you to Riki Spahn. She has been with Elite Sports Clubs for many years in many different capacities.

Career Opportunities

Open jobs and career opportunities: We are searching for friendly and highly-motivated full-time and part-time team members for most positions at all of our clubs.

Blog: 5 Ways to Incorporate Family Exercise Into Your Week

Find time for family exercise with a few creative tweaks to your family's daily or weekly routines. Incorporate an active lifestyle for a healthy family.

Blog: Kid-Friendly Core Strengthening Exercises

Having a strong core helps with balancing, sitting up straight, jumping, and more. Kid-friendly core strengthening exercises can benefit kids of any age.

Blog: Post-Match Tennis Recovery: A Guide for the Casual Player

Our tennis professionals on staff here at Elite talk about the process of post-match tennis recovery, specifically for the more casual recreational player.

Blog: Avoiding Dehydration in the Summer Heat

Summertime brings hot temperatures and outdoor activities. It is important to stay properly hydrated and know the signs of dehydration.

Blog: 12 Ways to Have Active Kids This Summer

Wondering how you can have active kids this summer? Here are a few tips here to help you get your kids off of the sofa, away from their screens, and moving!