Member Stories: Irene Kemmeter

Member Stories - Irene Kemmeter

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise not only adds years to your life, but life to your years! Today we’d like to highlight another member’s experience:

I have been a passport member at the club for many years, I would consider myself an active member and participant at the club.

During my time here at Elite I enjoy Frank’s Aqua Arthritis class the most. During my time attending this class I feel I have improved my flexibility and decreased my pain, in fact, it actually prevents it. Frank constantly reminds us too, he guides the class thoroughly through each section. He is extremely patient and kind, he often sprinkles the class with a bit of humor!

Share your own story! Whether it be of weight loss, conquering that first race, improving your tennis rating, accomplishing a goal, or some other unique aspect of your life that makes you ELITE! No story is too small, we are proud of ALL of our members!

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