Starter Swim Tips for Adult Beginners

Often times when people don’t learn how to swim at an early age, they become uncomfortable and even afraid of the water and avoid it at all costs. However, this can be overcome. Here are a few swim tips for adults to keep in mind if you are just getting your feet wet (pun intended)! (more…)

Group Exercise Classes 101

New to exercise or to your health club? Often a great place to start with your fitness routine, and to meet new people, is with group exercise classes. Often exercise classes in Milwaukee include things like yoga, pilates, bootcamp, strength training, spin/indoor cycling, water aerobics, and just about anything else you could think of to keep you from getting bored. Still, they can be a bit intimidating at first, so here’s a few tips to get you started; plus some simple etiquette as a reminder for not only the newbies, but also the seasoned health club member. (more…)


We all make excuses, especially for avoiding exercise. Here’s a list of some common fitness excuses and solutions for overcoming them.



If free weights aren’t currently part of your strength training program, they should be! Machines and cables are still necessary to balance out your training program, but free weights offer many benefits to strengthen your arms and other important muscle groups. Let’s learn about the benefits of free weights and why they should be a part of your training arsenal.



When you become a member of the Elite family, we want you to succeed in your quest for health and fitness. At Elite, we believe the journey to a healthier you is a multi-faceted experience. That’s why we offer four different opportunities to help you achieve your goals. We don’t believe in saying “hey, here’s all our cool gym stuff, have at it and good luck!” That approach sets the stage for a poor fitness experience. We want to get you started on the right track from the start. How do we do this? Simple, a FREE health and fitness consultation for all new Elite members! Here’s what that entails. (more…)


There are many stereotypes regarding water aerobics classes. Many assume this particular type of class is really meant for seniors. Others would prefer to just swim laps in the pool. Then there’s the majority of the population who never step foot in the pool unless it involves a floatie and a cool beverage, or just to goof around with the kids. But, you shouldn’t totally write off water aerobics, and here’s why. (more…)


Many of us get caught up in the chaos of our daily routines, which include work, household chores, getting children to practice, or whatever the case may be. Then finding time to get in exercise on top of everything else can be a challenge. It can be easy to sustain an injury without even realizing when it occurred. The key is to listen to your body. Here is some advice on how to undergo a sports injury recovery.



Sportsmanship is an often neglected fundamental of sports. It’s an area of competition that gets plenty of attention, but for all the wrong reasons. Practicing proper etiquette shows respect to your opponent or other fellow members, ultimately making the game more enjoyable for all. Here are some tennis sportsmanship rules you should follow. (more…)

Why Warm Up? Benefits of a Proper Warm-up

Whether working out at home or at the gym, the warm-up can often by overlooked. We have a tendency to want to jump right in to our workouts. Why should we bother spending time with an exercise warm-up? The warm-up is actually very important, and here are the reasons why. (more…)

4 Benefits of Training With Your Significant Other

They say couples who train together stay together. Exercising is often thought of as an individual endeavor. However, if you have your partner at your side, you can help each other achieve your fitness goals. Here are 4 benefits of training with your significant other. (more…)