Self defense class will not only teach you the necessary skills to protect yourself should the situation arise, but it will also help you improve your fitness and instill a greater feeling of confidence. Here is the personal account of one of our members, Lisa Strebel, who found great benefit in taking self defense at Elite Sports Clubs!
Self-Defense and Confidence
I am enrolled in the self defense class with Chris Hajigeorgiou at Elite Sports Club-Mequon. In a few short weeks, Chris has instilled in me a sense of self-confidence that, as a single mom, I would be able to protect myself if the need arises. Chris also has been a great confidence coach while encouraging me in my journey towards getting stronger! I think especially out in the suburbs, we often take for granted our safety and become comfortable with our day-to-day surroundings and accept situations we are in. Chris’s class will help those who not only want to prevent becoming a victim, but also those needing to make a change in their life for the better. Not only will you gain powerful life skills in this class, you will have fun and have a decent workout as well!
– Lisa Strebel
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