Tasty Summer Cocktails to Enjoy Poolside

There’s nothing like relaxing by the pool on a hot summer’s day, whether you’re there to soak up some sun or resting after a swim workout. Having a poolside drink in hand adds further enjoyment to your relaxation time, both for hydration and enjoyment. Next time you’re at the pool, try these summer cocktails with various nutritious benefits and tasty flavors!


Activities on Southeastern Wisconsin Waterways

Our community is full of rivers, lakes, and other refreshing areas for plenty of fun activities on the water all summer! In this blog, we’ll give you a rundown of some our local Wisconsin waterways, as well as suggestions for how to enjoy the water whether you’re a thrill-seeker or looking for relaxation.


Learn Swimming Strokes - Freestyle

Swimming is a great form of exercise for all body types and ages. It is great for aerobic exercise, and limits the impact on joints that other aerobic exercises (such as running or biking) can have on the body. Swimming also helps to increase muscular strength and endurance, and increases flexibility. If you’ve never swam for exercise before, you might know of several strokes. There are many to choose from, each with their own benefits. In the first blog of our series, we’ll look at how to swim freestyle and what muscle groups it impacts.


Wait to Swim After Eating - Myth or Fact?

You must wait at least 30 minutes to swim after eating. We’ve all heard it, but should we believe it? Where did this old wives’ tale come from and does it hold any truth? That said, let’s DIVE right into the “wait to swim after eating” theory. (more…)

STOP with the Negativity

Today is the day to STOP. Stop it all – all the negative thoughts, excuses, skipping workouts, working out only for an occasion, talking yourself out of trying that thing you want to do. Stop letting yourself miss out on how great you can be! (more…)

The Benefits of Youth Soccer

Summer is the perfect time to introduce your kids to all the positive attributes of team sports. And what better way to get them active than with soccer? Here are just a few reasons why youth soccer is a fantastic way to get your children on an active path in life.


Body Science - Myths About Lactic Acid

What’s going on within your body when you are 47 reps deep into curls and have had zero rest time? Is it lactic acid? Ruptured biceps? Soul combustion? Or something else? Let’s take a look at the body science behind the burning sensation in your muscles.


What to Eat Before, During, and After an Endurance Event

Summer months in Wisconsin are a great time to get outdoors and get workouts in while it is sunny and warm. Not only do people’s outdoor workouts pick up, but so do people taking part or competing in endurance events. No matter what endurance workout you are involved in, proper nutrition and fueling are essential for optimal results, health, and enjoyment in the event.


5 Tips to Get Back on the Fitness Wagon

It can be easy to get out of your routine and fall off the fitness wagon. Exercise sometimes gets replaced by overindulging in food and drinks. But guess what, it’s okay every once in awhile, just as long as you have self control. If you fall off the fitness wagon, here are 5 tips to help you get back on.


Why Soccer Players Are The Fittest Athletes on the Planet

Have you ever wondered why soccer players are so fit? In order to be match ready, soccer players follow strict fitness and nutrition regimens. Let’s take a look and what makes soccer players the fittest athletes on the planet. (more…)