Practice Proper Portion Control

Most adults may have noticed that food portions have gotten larger, not only in restaurants but at home as well. In the age where you can super-size almost anything, many meals have become enough food for at least two people. With this growth in portion size comes an increase in the average person’s waistline and body weight. Follow these guidelines to learn how to prevent weight gain from these current excessive portions. (more…)

Swimming - The Well-Rounded Exercise

It’s a well-known fact that exercise is good for your body. It’s also very well-known that exercise can be good for your mood. While any type of movement can be credited toward both of those “good for you” categories, aerobic exercise holds an extra special place. Swimming specifically is known to drastically increase physical health as well as mental well-being in ways that other activities just might not be able to do. When swimming, you use a whole lot of muscle, increase your blood flow drastically, and repeat the same motions, allowing you to slip away into relaxation and de-stress. Among others, these reasons are considerable examples of how swimming for exercise is great for a well-rounded health. (more…)

Nutrition Therapy for Heartburn, Acid Reflux, and GERD

What is the biggest-selling prescription medication in the United States? Many would be surprised to find out that it is a treatment for acid reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the technical term for reflux, is the number one disease of the digestive tract. Almost everyone will experience heartburn and/or reflux at some point in their lives. To the few that are plagued by these conditions, stay tuned to learn more about which foods to add and avoid to improve your symptoms. (more…)

Swim Lessons Guide for Parents

Learning how to swim at a young age is important for so many reasons. Besides the safety aspect, basic swimming skills can give a child confidence, allow them to have fun and be active in the pool, and create a foundation for competitive swimming later on in life. If your child is just starting out or new to Elite, we have a guide to help you determine in which level of group swim lessons your child belongs. (more…)

Psychology and Culture Surrounding Food

Who has ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat”? What we eat affects how we feel. Food should make us feel good as well as be nourishing to our bodies. Eat too much, too little, or the wrong things and your health could be affected. This may result in negative feelings toward food. Many Americans experience these deep-seated, unhealthy eating habits, which can be challenging to break. Many factors influence our eating behaviors and feelings about food. These factors can be cultural, social, economic, and psychological. We are going to take a look at the culture surrounding food in three of Europe’s healthiest countries: Switzerland, France, and Italy. With the United States having an adult obesity percentage at a whopping 36.2%, perhaps we could learn some healthy habits from them!


Karen Bruckner

If you’re looking for some friendly conversation or a recommendation on a fitness program, stop by the Elite-Brookfield front desk most mornings to chat with Karen Bruckner! Karen is quite familiar with the friendly faces of the Elite community and is a huge advocate for camaraderie among our members. Learn more about Karen Bruckner!


yoga poses for golf

Every golfer, whether amateur or professional, wants to play better golf, lower their handicap, and limit injuries. To make that happen, golfers must access all resources: instruction, technology, and the power of the body. However, if your body cannot perform optimally, it doesn’t matter how many sessions you take with a pro or how much money you spend on a new driver. Your body is your secret weapon for getting/staying in shape and shooting lower scores. And yoga can give you that advantage.


3 Eating Tips to Get Your Summer Body Back

With Spring Break quickly approaching and summer (hopefully) right around the corner, this is the time that most of us dread thinking about those swimsuits hiding in the back of our closets. Here are 3 eating tips to help get your summer body back just in time:


golf simulator at Elite Sports Clubs

While golf can be played year-round in some parts of the country, unfortunately that is not the case here in Wisconsin. For those of us that stick around Wisconsin through winter, we long for spring when we can hit the course again. However, you can now keep practicing your swing mechanics at our golf simulator at Elite Sports Club-River Glen!


The DASH Diet - Nutrition Recommendations for High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, affects almost one in three Americans. The DASH Diet, which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, is an approach to eating healthy that is designed to prevent or help treat hypertension. To follow this diet, you should reduce your sodium intake and consume a variety of foods rich in nutrients to help lower blood pressure. (more…)