
Imagine someone in your life. Now imagine that you’re going to wear their clothes for a day. Chances are, that day isn’t going to be comfortable. Whether it be a significant other, elder, child, or friend, their clothes likely won’t fit you very well, if at all. Just as with clothing, the same diet isn’t suited to fit everyone perfectly either. We are all different inside and out. The way our bodies function and the preferences that they have vary with genetics, gender, age, body composition, physical activity level, and health status.



We’re a few weeks into the New Year and many folks find themselves already struggling to maintain momentum on their New Years resolutions. Surveys show that 80% of all New Years resolutions fail. We don’t want you to be in that category, so here are some tips for staying on track with your New Years resolutions. (more…)


Despite the long history of plant-based meats and burgers, they are receiving a lot more attention recently. This is due to the increasing similarity they have to their meat-based competitors. The market for plant-based meat is not only targeting herbivores anymore. Traditionally called veggie burgers, the term “plant-based meats” may be emerging from the shocking resemblance that products like the Impossible Burger have to a beef burger. However, as with everything, there is the good and the bad. (more…)


Here at Elite we fully believe a healthy outside starts from the inside, and the key to a healthy lifestyle is good nutrition. Here are some easy healthy lunches you can pack for work or school to get your New Year off to a good start! (more…)


Stuck in the same exercise routine? Then it’s time to change things up! If you’re accustomed to running on the treadmill or lifting weights on your own, we’d highly recommend group exercise classes. Even if you’re a group ex regular, we’ve selected these 4 classes that might add some variety to your exercise routine. (more…)


Which diet is the best? The is simple – whichever eating pattern you will stick with. The most important thing is to choose an eating style that complements your lifestyle, doesn’t require too much mental strain, and is sustainable long-term. Just as no one is perfect, we will inevitably face setbacks and get derailed from our eating plan. Having healthy habits in place will help set you up for the best chance at long-term success. The book, Atomic Habits, written by James Clear, is an excellent resource to help you get started on creating lasting habits. Follow these tips, based on ideas from the book, to help get you back on track! (more…)

How Our Salt Water Pools Work

Our saltwater pools are less harsh on hair and skin than typical chemically treated pools. But how does a saltwater filtration system clean the pool? Get ready for a science lesson! (more…)


Does the weather have you stuck inside the house? Are you still trying to get in a workout from the comfort of your own home? There is plenty of time to relax and maybe binge watch a show during a snow day but you may also feel motivated to get your body moving at some point of the day. Below, you can find a “Snow Day Workout” that includes only bodyweight exercises so you don’t have to worry about having any sort of equipment. (more…)


Feeling down this winter? This condition, known as seasonal affective disorder, is common due to the lack of sunlight. There are a number of things you can do to counteract these negative feelings, such as diet and exercise. Try these foods to improve your mood! (more…)


There are always a million excuses to not go to the gym. Determination is a choice. However, finding the proper mentality to succeed can be challenging. Remind yourself to “Stop Saying Tomorrow” and choose to put in the effort that’s required to reach your goals!
