Ready to kick your workouts up a notch? Try cardio kickboxing class! Kickboxing is a high-energy aerobic class where participants practice a variety of martial arts moves. Find out what makes kickboxing class a great way to exercise.



Metabolism is the internal process by which your body expends energy and burns calories. It runs 24/7 to keep your body moving, even when you’re resting or sleeping. Your body is continually converting the food you consume into the energy it needs to perform various functions such as breathing, digestion, circulation of blood, and activities of daily living. While it may be tempting to blame weight gain on a slow, or slowing, metabolism, your diet and lifestyle play a bigger role. There are, however, ways to support a good metabolism and maintain a healthy weight. (more…)


It’s the holiday season and that means an endless list of chores and hopping around to stores and parties. You’re stressed from all the shopping, cooking, and gift wrapping over the last several weeks, but you just want to relax and unwind. Here are 4 yoga classes where you can calm your body and mind. (more…)


Stuck with loads of holiday leftovers? Bored of the same meals, textures, and flavors? Try using some of these ideas for a fun, new twist on holiday leftovers. (more…)


The year is winding down and while it’s natural to reflect on the days that were, it’s just as important to look ahead to the New Year. Consider your goals from this past year to reassess or continue making progress on your goals for the New Year. Follow this guide to plan ahead for your New Year’s resolutions. (more…)


Many people wait until the new year to start their resolutions. For many, the idea of a new year implies a fresh start. Who said that you have to wait until January 1st to start your journey toward a healthier you? There are lots of reasons why starting your resolutions today may be more beneficial than putting them off another month. Follow these 3 easy tips to jumpstart your wellness goals today! (more…)


Looking for a challenging, yet rewarding spin class? Look no further, Kristen’s the instructor for you! Kristen’s style of instruction focuses on rhythm riding, which is an energetic and fun way to incorporate music into the workout itself. Learn all about Kristen and her classes here!



Are you getting the most out of your workouts? Using heart rate zones allows you to measure at what intensity you are exercising, and therefore tailor your workouts for maximum effectiveness. By monitoring how much time you’re spending at each level of intensity, you’ll know how much effort you have to put in to get the results you want. (more…)


We’ve got another healthy and delicious recipe for you to try! Watch our video how to make this Southwest Quinoa Salad. This salad is super easy to make, full of nutritional value, and tastes great, too!



Jessica Peterson recently joined Elite’s incredible team of certified group exercise instructors. Because she enjoyed BodyPump so much as a participant, she decided to bring her passion for the class as an instructor at Elite! Get to know a little bit more about Jessica here.
