
Elite Sports Clubs strives to give you the best environment for your fitness and health goals. We offer activities for all ages, and the experience that children have at our clubs is just as important as our adult members. Read about our gym childcare and playroom offerings here. (more…)


We all know how unpredictable Wisconsin weather can be. While exercising outdoors has its benefits, the weather still limits the types of exercises you can perform. Even for the avid cyclist, snow, ice, and wind can make it too difficult to ride outdoors during the winter. That’s why indoor cycling classes (aka spin classes) are the perfect winter workout! (more…)


A blood lipid panel will assess your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and can help monitor your current treatment plan if you are already diagnosed. If you do not have any risk factors for heart disease or diabetes, a blood test performed every 4 to 6 years may be sufficient. Yearly or more frequent blood tests may be required when risk factors are present or a current treatment plan is in place. A lipid panel will generally assess your total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. A blood glucose test may also be helpful to assess your risk of developing diabetes. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure of where you fall or if these tests may be beneficial.



Establishing and maintaining lifestyle changes can be challenging. The perceived difficulty alone can discourage us from ever even attempting to change our behaviors. However, success can be found through a multi-step process that includes setting goals, staying accountable, and reflecting on your progress. Stop saying tomorrow and follow these steps to get where you want to be.



Paddle tennis, also known as platform tennis, is a racquet sport typically played in cool or cold weather. While it bears a resemblance to traditional tennis, the rules and gameplay vary. To help you gain a deeper understanding of paddle tennis, we’ve compiled a list of rules that differentiate it from the traditional sport of tennis. (more…)


There are many important components of blood, one of them being iron. Your body needs iron in order to make hemoglobin, which is a part of red blood cells responsible for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.  (more…)


Derek Chappell has been a member of Elite Sports Clubs for over fifteen years. Throughout the years, he has worked on himself physically and mentally, as well as working on and achieving his personal goals.

Getting Fit for February

February is American Heart Month, a national initiative that educates and encourages everyone to engage in behaviors good for heart health. February is also the month where love is in the air during Valentine’s Day, which can mean you want to get fit to attract a new partner or workout together with your current one. Whatever the case may be, February presents new motivational incentives to continue your fitness momentum from the New Year. (more…)


Coming home after a long, stressful day of work and pouring a drink is a very typical habit in our society. It helps us relax and makes us feel good. There is nothing wrong with this, but when one drink becomes 4 or 5, we may be impacted more than we think—especially in terms of weight and life-long health. In order to find balance, it’s important to imbibe in alcohol moderation. (more…)


Turn up the heat with a hot yoga class at Elite Sports Clubs! Yoga is traditionally a spiritual practice with the goal of attaining greater control over one’s body and mind. Hot yoga is less relaxing as it is more physical exercise. But why would you want to expose your body to such harsh conditions? Here are 3 benefits of hot yoga. (more…)